Montessori In Elementary? Different, But Good!

The term "Montessori" is well known in the world of early childhood education. This is a popular philosophy that focuses on allowing children to make choices about what and how they learn. It fosters independence and self-motivation in children. In a Montessori program a child's classroom learning experiences occur at their own pace and focus on exploring through sensory activities.  Many children who do receive a Montessori education during their early childhood years will go on to a traditional public or private school around Kindergarten.

Get Help From A Veterans Admissions Advisor

If you are a veteran, you may decide that you want to take advantage of your G. I. Bill so that you can go to college. If this is true, then you are going to need to get some help to navigate the system. There are all kinds of things that you are going to deal with in order to get into the college and to get your military benefits to kick in so that they will pay for your tuition and any other eligible fees.